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Newly Released Articles and Books

Handbook of Moral and Character Education

Edited by Larry P. Nucci, Tobias Krettenauer, Darcia Narvaez. New York: Routledge, 2014. ISBN: 978-0415532389

There is widespread agreement that schools should contribute to the moral development and character formation of their students. In fact, 80% of US states currently have mandates regarding character education. However, the pervasiveness of the support for moral and character education masks a high degree of controversy surrounding its meaning and methods. The purpose of this handbook is to supplant the prevalent ideological rhetoric of the field with a comprehensive, research-oriented volume that both describes the extensive changes that have occurred over the last fifteen years and points forward to the future. Now in its second edition, this book includes the latest applications of developmental and cognitive psychology to moral and character education from preschool to college settings, and much more.

The Moral Work of Teaching and Teacher Education: Preparing and Supporting Practitioners

What makes teaching a moral endeavor? How can we prepare classroom practitioners for engaging in that moral endeavor in meaningful and effective ways? This volume brings together leading scholars who draw upon both their academic expertise and substantial wisdom of practice to offer a variety of perspectives on the challenge of preparing today's teachers for the moral work of teaching.


** The U.K. Times Higher Education Suggested Reading List for 2013 **

** The AERA Moral Development and Education SIG Book Award **

** The Society of Professors of Education Book Award for 2014 **

Handbook of Moral Development 2nd Edition, Edited by Melanie Killen, Judith G. Smetana

Psychology Press, 2014, 574 pages


The definitive source of theory and research on the development of morality.   Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the study of moral development, this edition contains contributions from over 50 scholars in developmental science, cognitive psychology, social neuroscience, comparative psychology and evolution, and education.

Talking about Right and Wrong: Parent-Child Conversations as Contexts for Moral Development

A unique volume which assembles and presents cutting-edge global research about the kinds of conversations parents have with children on morally laden issues, and how these conversations translate into morally relevant outcomes. It will be of interest to scholars, educators and practitioners in child and adolescent development, family processes, parenting and morality.



"Common sense tells us that parents teach morality as part of raising their children but developmental theory tells us that children actively construct morality in the course of social interaction. In Talking about Right and Wrong, top contemporary researchers show us how to reconcile these two views of moral development." 

 -   David Moshman, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

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